In these photos, the Koumbassa children are creating the beginning of an art project that I hope will raise money to fund a library for the Sabadou School. My idea is for the children at New Discovery School to finish the art work, compile the art and photos into a calendar and sell it as a fundraiser.
I had so much fun doing this project with the kids one afternoon. Me, trying to explain in limited french what I wanted. The kids, jabbering to me in Soussou. Who knows what they thought of this person who couldn't answer them back. They were tentative at first, but once they got going, drawings after drawings were produced and promptly showed to me for acknowledgement. The younger boy, fondly know as Bouboudi (monkey in Soussou), took a real shine to the whole process. He clearly had an artistic style of his own and even came out to me while I was in the middle of dance class to show me his next drawing so I would say, "Ahhh! C'est magnifique!"
Wontanara (We're all together),
Marissa Baratian
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