Monday, August 23, 2010

Back To School Preparations

The school year in Conakry, Guinea doesn't start back up until October, but the Guinea Kids' students began their summer tutoring this past week in order to begin gearing up for another year at the Nimba Elisa School.

Tutoring in session.

Most of our students are doing very well in school and passing onto the next level. All of our new students who just began schooling this past January will be continuing on at the same level in the fall so that they can each get the full year of education in their respective levels. Our dedicated tutor, Soumah, will spend the rest of August and September helping all the children prepare for the year ahead.

Soumah with some students in the homework/tutoring place.

For several of the students, school is an extra challenge set within the harsh reality of life in Guinea. Seydouba, a preschool-age boy, was very sick for a while this year and missed out on a lot of school. He is doing much better now and will be back in school this October. Another young girl, N'mah, stopped going to school because her mother never went to school and didn't understand the value of it until Karim spoke with her.

One of our students, a 13 year old boy nicknamed Bosana, has been struggling for months to focus on school after the tragic death of both of his parents. Bosana is a very smart boy, but attending school has just not been important to him in the light of his loss. He has been avoiding going and instead wanders around the neighborhood. While Karim was in Guinea, he kept close tabs on Bosana and spoke earnestly to him about the importance of school and his responsibilities to attend as a member of Guinea Kids.

GKEF member extraordinaire, Alya Koumbassa, arrived in Guinea last week for a long awaited return visit to his homeland and will be conducting some important business for GKEF while there. One of these business items will be to continue the efforts of encouraging Bosana to remain in school. All of us at GKEF are truly rooting for this young man to find his way, take courage, and become inspired once again by the possibilities of an education.

Against all odds, we continue to hold a candle of hope for these vibrant and talented children to stay in school, obtain an education, and see opportunity and possibility open up for themselves and for their families and communities. May being a part of this project someday bring each of these children the self-confidence and knowing that they have been a part of something larger. And may they be inspired to give back to their communities each in their own way.

Many of the supplies that your donations provide!

While Alya is there he will also be overseeing the purchasing of new school year supplies, uniforms, and shoes for the 25 students. Alya will also continue to provide further managerial training to Yamousa, Francoise, and Soumah who have all been doing an excellent job for GKEF. Alya will support Francois and Soumah to meet with parents to share with them their children's grades and progress and continue to stress the importance of school. We are very grateful to have such a team of caring and trusted people supporting our program and making all of our dreams for these children a reality in Conakry.

Below is a very short video of the big street crossing on the way to school for the Guinea Kids. The road may be littered with obstacles, but we get by with a little help from our friends. Don't ever give up!